Tap Water Safety in Feldkirch

Tap Water Safety in Austria

General Overview

Feldkirch is a medieval city located in the Austrian state of Vorarlberg, near the borders with Switzerland and Liechtenstein. The city’s rich history, charming old town, and picturesque landscapes make it an attractive destination for travelers.

Urban Areas

The tap water in Feldkirch is sourced from nearby springs and undergoes rigorous quality checks. Feldkirch’s water infrastructure is robust and well-maintained, ensuring that the water is clean, clear, and complies with Austrian standards.

Special Concerns

There are no significant concerns about the tap water in Feldkirch. Regular monitoring ensures that it meets the required quality and safety standards.


  • Drink with Confidence: The tap water in Feldkirch is suitable for drinking, cooking, and personal use.
  • Sustainable Choice: Opting for tap water supports the local environment and reduces plastic waste.

Safety Tips & Guidelines

For Drinking Tap Water

  • Trusted Quality: Feldkirch’s tap water is of high quality and is regularly tested to ensure safety.

For Travelers

  • Stay Informed: Familiarize yourself with local guidelines on water usage.
  • Keep Emergency Contacts: Have local emergency numbers at hand, including healthcare providers.

Tourist Information

Popular Destinations

  • Schattenburg Castle: Explore this medieval fortress and its museum for a glimpse into the past.
  • Wildpark Feldkirch: A delightful wildlife park, home to native European animals.
  • Cathedral of St. Nikolaus: Visit this stunning gothic cathedral, a symbol of the city’s heritage.

Local Customs & Culture

  • Cuisine: Enjoy local specialties such as Käsknöpfle, a type of cheese dumpling.
  • Shopping: Discover regional products and crafts in local markets and boutiques.

Weather Considerations

  • Climate: Feldkirch enjoys a continental climate with warm summers and snowy winters. Plan your wardrobe accordingly.

Travel Tips

  • Transportation: Explore Feldkirch by walking, biking, or using convenient public transportation.
  • Safety Practices: Follow standard safety measures to ensure a pleasant experience in Feldkirch.
Sankt Pölten

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