Tap Water Safety in Podgorica

Tap Water Safety in Montenegro

General Overview

Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro, is a city that offers a mix of historical charm, natural beauty, and cultural diversity.

Urban Areas

In urban Podgorica, tap water is generally safe for consumption. The city’s water supply is treated and meets quality standards.

Special Concerns

Tap water in Podgorica is treated and considered safe for drinking. It is commonly used by both locals and visitors.


  • Safe to Drink: Tap water is safe to consume according to local health standards.
  • Use Tap Water: It’s common to use tap water for drinking and cooking.

Safety Tips & Guidelines

For Drinking Tap Water

  • Safe to Consume: The tap water is generally safe for drinking and cooking purposes.

General Safety Tips for Travelers

  • Cultural Sensitivity: Familiarize yourself with local customs and cultural practices.

Tourist Information

Natural & Cultural Highlights

  • Gorica Hill: Enjoy a panoramic view of the city and surrounding landscapes.
  • Millennium Bridge: Admire the modern architectural landmark spanning the Morača River.
  • King Nikola’s Palace: Discover historical artifacts and learn about Montenegro’s history.

Local Cuisine

  • Montenegrin Flavors: Delight in local dishes such as pršut, kačamak, and fresh seafood.

Weather Considerations

  • Climate: Podgorica has a Mediterranean climate with hot, dry summers and mild winters.

Travel Tips

  • Currency: Euro (EUR).
  • Local Transportation: Use buses, taxis, and walking to explore the city.

Podgorica’s blend of history and natural beauty makes it a unique destination. With tap water considered safe, travelers can comfortably use it for drinking and cooking. Explore the city’s attractions, indulge in local cuisine, and immerse yourself in the charm of Podgorica.


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